Monday, April 23, 2012

Kim and Khole Kardashian are Gross!!! Kourtney is a smoke

Nothing disappoints me more in this world then the Kardashian family.  Like why in the world are these people famous.  I have a list of random facts about them that I have compiled from various fact websites:

1.  Kim is getting so old that before she knows it she is gonna end up being the single, fat cat lady shopping at the grocery store for baby food to eat herself.

2. No one on this earth gets photo shopped  more than this chick, she is literary so fat that her sponsor Forever 21 had to say something to her about losing weight.  Her only job is not working, and being hot? how hard is that just don't eat and take the stairs instead of the elevator and your halfway there?

3. WHY IS THIS CHICK FAMOUS!!!!!!!  she made a like sub-par sex tape with another c-list celebrity named .....uh i forgot his name.... First off these is no way you cant tell me she didnt leak that tape and second what does she do some one please tell me!!! She provides the world with literary no tangible assets or viable worth besides being a celebrity.  Musicians, athletes, models (real models not photoshopped ones), and artists are celebrities

4. Khole Kardashian o my god, seriously she sucks so much.  She only is famous cause of her sisters and is like that best friend of the popular girl that everyone hates but has to act really fake to because the popular person loves her, but you know at any chance you get you ditch her or leave her out of group texts, or buy a two seater car, or buy 3 seats to the football game just so you can ditch her. ( google khole kardashian sucks) lotta stuff

5.  Kourtney is so HOTTTT why did they not make the show about her???

 Kourtney Kardashian -- hot pics10  Kourtney Kardashian -- hot pics3

6. Im tweeting this at Kardashians

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